Gary S. Swindell, Petroleum Engineering
Other Useful Petroleum Sites

January 2025

Prices *  Professional Organizations  *  State Production and other data  *  Texas data  *  No cost data sources  *  Commercial data  *  Geological Surveys  *  Map, GIS and aerial data  *  

Petroleum Software  * Petroleum Engineering Universities *  Publications  *  Companies  *  Consulting firms * Government agencies *  Coalbed Methane *  

Petroleum Software:   Public/Government  *   Drilling / well planning / risk *   Log analysis / petrophysics  *   PVT fluids *  Pressure transient  *   Reservoir *

Production *   Economics / evaluation /reserves *  Reservoir simulation *   Mapping / GISGeophysics / seismic *   Miscellaneous / other *

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Energy and Acreage Comparison - Gas Well, Wind Turbine, Nuclear Reactor

Sunlight Energy falling on Earth vs. Energy Consumption

Energy4me - energy education resources for students, educators and the public

PetroWiki - upstream oil and gas industry's fully moderated wiki, based on the Petroleum Engineering Handbook

Mineral owner information site

Price Data

Nymex Price Charts from The CME Group, now requiring a subscription.  Look under Energy --> Petrochemicals to find NGL prices.

Historical Gas Futures data from EIA

Historical Oil Futures data from EIA

EIA Natural Gas Price Weekly Reports

EIA Petroleum

EIA Natural Gas Navigator

EIA - Petroleum Navigator

Gas Spot Prices from Platts

Oil Spot Prices from Platts

Other price data from Platts and their Energy Report

Natural Gas Daily/Weekly - by subscription

Futures and Spot Prices - INO.COM

WTRG Economics - great source of price data and energy economics

Chevron Crude Marketing posted prices

Flint Hills Resources crude postings

Rig count - Baker-Hughes - historical detail by state & country

General Reference

PetroWiki - upstream oil and gas industry's fully moderated wiki, based on the Petroleum Engineering Handbook

WORLD DATA at DOE/EIA - not just USA data at the Energy Information Administration

Energy4me - energy education resources for students, educators and the public

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) - world statistics

United Nations Energy Division - world statistics

International Energy Agency (IEA) - world statistics

American Petroleum Institute Statistics

Conversion factors,sp grav, BTU, heat energy, etc of oil, gas and NGL

IPAA - industry statistics - cost indexes, etc

IPAA - industry statistics - remarkably comprehensive statistics on each state in the U.S.

SPE - list of sources of oil and gas industry statistics

OnePetro - upstream oil and gas industry library from multiple technical societies.

Datapages - Publications from AAPG and many Geological Societies worldwide

TIPRO Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Assn

Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)- Industry Links

IOGCC Publications

GTI - Gas Technology Institute

Natural Gas

Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC)

SEC - Rules Reserve Reporting

SPE / SPEE Reserves and Resource Definitions

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

PIDX - Provides a global forum for delivering the process, information and technology standards that facilitates seamless, efficient electronic business within the oil and gas industry and its trading community.

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Professional Societies and Organizations and Geological Associations

Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE)

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Home Page

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES)

Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA)

Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA)

American Petroleum Institute (API)

Geological Society of America

Kansas Geological Society - a digital library here

Kentucky Oil and Gas Association

LSU Center for Energy Studies

Michigan Basin Geological Society

Abilene Geological Society  

East Texas Geological Society (ETGS)

Gulf Coast Geological Societies

North Texas Geological Society

West Texas Geological Society (WTGS)

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists (RMAG)

Wyoming Geological Association (WGA)

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State / Province Production, Well and Map data on line

WORLD DATA at DOE/EIA - not just USA data at the Energy Information Administration

IPAA - industry statistics - remarkably comprehensive statistics on each state in the U.S.

Alabama Production and well data - easily searchable well designed site with well data, forms, etc.

Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission - new site in 2019.

Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission- Data Miner 3 - Central location for wells, history, facilities, production, NGL, injection, and storage"

You can fill out a form requesting logs not on the list. They can send the whole data file by FTP

Alaska DNR Division of Oil and Gas - not much useful information there. Try above or

Alaska Division of Oil and Gas - a few pdf maps

Alaska Geologic Data Index (AGDI)

Arkansas Production Data - new system

    Arkansas document image system - under development but good data.  Watch for multiple page documents.  For API searches, include * at end - ie 0309110069*

California Oil & Gas Information

California Production-Injection FTP site files

California Well & Field GIS mapping system

Colorado Production data  - COGIS - select Production or Facilities etc.

Colorado GIS mapping system - new system.

Colorado hearing files - very comprehensive back at least to 1957.  Select ORDERS on the left side, then search by Field etc.

Florida Oil & Gas Data

Florida interactive oil & gas map

Illinois interactive oil and gas map - with fields, apis, cores, logs, contours, etc marked. Nicely done but production data is not available.

Illinois well database - An Oracle Java 7 application.  Difficult (or impossible) to get running.  It now appears to have vanished and cannot be found.  There is also a Well Permit database but you have to know what month you want.

Indiana Dept of Natural Resources - Oil & Gas data

Kansas Digital Petroleum Atlas - field summaries,  geology, cores, maps, etc.  Ambitious plan but looks like they stopped in 1999,  except the field map below appears current.

Kansas - Interactive Oil & Gas Field Map - links to all kinds of field and well data including logs, production, etc.  A good place to start searching.

Kansas Production data - select Lease Production in center panel, then look up by API

Kansas Corporation Commission - Oil & Gas Division - search well logs, records, etc.

Kansas Geological Society - an impressive digital library, the largest collection of data for Kansas - completion, core, logs, etc.

Kentucky DNR - Division of Oil & Gas

Kentucky Well Data including production but extremely difficult to use- (KY Geological Survey)

Louisiana SONRIS well mapping system with data access. Open Table of Contents and click on (i) to select.

Louisiana DNR on line production and well information  - more difficult now.  Direct links to Sonris Lite with Well Serial Number. to Sonris Lite with API number

Louisiana DNR document images - a variety of stuff including well logs, regulatory etc.  (Turn off your pop-up blocker)  Know serial number first and check the "associated documents" box to get the whole well file

Louisiana DNR Glossary of terms

Michigan Oil & Gas database - Dept of Environmental Quality.

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement  Also field reserves data or might be better production and lease data here

Mississippi on line production and well information -2010 old system, summary capable - some data also on DEQ Geology Dept (scout images) and easier to work with -  see geological survey lists

Mississippi production and well information - new system after April 2010.  

Mississippi new mapping system - Looks like a similar system to Nebraska's .  Better with MS Explorer.

Mississippi field maps, by county - color coded by formation - 2001

Mississippi scout ticket and log images - recently much improved

Montana Production data - new online system is better but not great.  Has a map server.

Nebraska well and production data

Nebraska data mining GIS system - impressive mapping application with clickable well information - hover over a well and you'll get a scout ticket, etc.

New Mexico Oil Conservation Division

New Mexico Production Data (Go-Tech)

New Mexico Well Data

New York Oil and Gas Data

North Dakota well data - not much there unless you subscribe to premium ($175/yr) or basic ($50/yr) services

  North Dakota interactive map - new. Appears most useful options are only with Basic or Premium subscription

Ohio Dept of Natural Resources - Oil & Gas Division - Very informative Annual reports, Well database, Permits, Unconventional information

Ohio Oil & Gas Database - also a mapping application (link below) with access to scout tickets. Ohio Geological Survey has good current info on Utica, Marcellus and Point Pleasant.

Ohio DNR Mapping system

Ohio map of Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) Study of the Utica / Pleasant Point Shale. July 2021

Oklahoma Geological Survey - data sources

Oklahoma Corporation Commission main page - you can access databases but it requires Java's Jinitiator and Internet Explorer (and a fix for Windows 7). The OCC makes it very difficult to get running.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission - OLD SYSTEM BEFORE 6/2010 - production data, sometimes flawed -Click on Oil & Gas Database and wait for Java app to load.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission - NEW SYSTEM AFTER 6/2010 - shows some promise as improved.  It is not obvious, but use the magnifying glass to display and expand results.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission imaging data - well logs, OCC forms etc. Enter API 7 digits as just County+Well

Oklahoma Oil & Gas Data Files - injection, completions, production, operators, drilling intent, old waterfloods, etc.

Oklahoma Tax Commission Gross Production System - does not seem to be able to look up production, just file forms.  Free, but you will have to register.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection - Oil and Gas management - Production data, GIS mapping app, can search by API number. Apparently no completion details. There is an "IRIS" subscription avail. fm Geol Survey.

Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Mapping - well mapping and data

Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) Study of 7,300 Marcellus Shale Wells in Pennsylvania. February 2021 Update

Pennsylvania map of Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) Study of the Utica / Pleasant Point Shale. July 2021

South Dakota oil and gas data - and a map based application

Texas data

Texas Railroad Commission - Railroad Commission main page - (revised 2021)

Texas RRC Online Research central site 

Texas RRC well data - this site assembles click-able links to many of the sites below.

Texas Data Sets available for download - API lists, Digital map data, Shapefiles, Field data, rules, sev tax etc. Lots here

Texas TRAIL system records - search all agencies - you can sometimes turn up oil and gas field documents here (TRAIL system)

Texas Production data - by well, lease, county and field - best to have RRC number and RRC district for well data

Texas Proration Schedules - by field (changed again - now in .txt format - the pdf were more useful), - OR by operator

Texas Field Rules (rules can also be found on the proration schedules or on the RRC Well Data site.

  Texas Drilling Permit system

  Texas completion query system - for wells after November 2009. (check document image system for old stuff)

  Texas RRC Well mapping system  Turn on Visibility  (upper left) of survey lines, pipelines, well logs, etc. Search API like "485-01752" without "42"

  Texas well log image system - for API searches use only the 8 digit County-Well API number. Also check the BEG's database (click far left arrow for search)

  Texas well log release lists in xls - a spreadsheet for each month.

  Texas RRC Document images -  Enter 3+5 digit API number without the state - ie County and 5 digit API number. (For newer completions use the Completion Query System above.)

  BEG Texas core, sample and log library - Texas Bureau of Economic Geology - searchable database and Google map selection. (click on the far left arrow to get search box)

  Texas RRC Hearing file  - Docketed hearings, new field applications, Rule 38s.  Not complete but it appears the RRC is adding old data.  

  Texas Operator contact list in xls - no longer a pdf file.

 Texas Operator database query - searchable database. You probably want the operator contact list above.

  Texas production data for "Pending" wells - ie not assigned a RRC number yet - you must have permit number or possibly the 8 digit API number

 Texas injection volumes - water, CO2, gas, etc - H-10 database - some data back to 1995. Be patient as the system sometimes runs slow.

  Texas Injection-disposal permits and document images - sometimes the injection application can be found.  Suggest search by Field Number -found on proration schedules and well data


Utah Production data, logs and whole well files in pdf - superb data, very accessible - the best State site I've seen

West Virginia - well data and logs

West Virginia map of Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) Study of the Utica / Pleasant Point Shale. July 2021

Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission - main site.

Wyoming OGCC - the old data access page. - in some ways easier than Explorer. API searches use only County and Well - no dashes.

Wyoming OGCC - a new user's review of available data. API searches use only County and Well - no dashes.

Wyoming Oil & Gas Commission - New Data Explorer and logs, maps, documents.  Very comprehensive but not easy to figure out.

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free databases

Texas Formation Water Chloride Database - from the Texas Water Development Board publications.

US Coalbed Methane Content Database - from the U.S. Bureau of Mines data.

DOE Tertiary Oil Recovery Database (TORIS) - can no longer be found except for a few individual states. You might try - edx.netl.doe 2006 software Or search at

Rocky Mountain produced water database (DOE)

DOE Crude oil analysis database - can no longer be found. You might try - edx.netl.doe 2006 software Or search at

DOE Heavy oil database - can no longer be found. You might try - edx.netl.doe 2006 software Or search at

Canadian Environmental Technology Centre  - crude oil database

Alberta  CANADA well license (permit) data and spud report - from Enerlead The POIM blog

Conversion factors,sp grav, BTU, heat energy, etc of oil, gas and NGL

Commercial Sources of Data

TGS (formerly A2D Technologies)_ - well log provider

MJ Systems - digital well log provider

Enverus (formerly Drilling Info) - online source of well and production data

Geomap - executive reference and custom regional petroleum mapping, raster logs, library services

P>The Subsurface Library,Permian Basin focused logs, cores, scout tickets, sample logs, library services

SP Energy Portal (formerly IHS Energy,Petroleum Information,Dwights)

Banks Information Solutions - Texas Railroad Commission research

Oil-Law Records - Oklahoma Commission and New Mexico research

Seismic Exchange - marketing seismic data

SeismicZone - the industry's first 24/7 online marketplace for browsing and licensing seismic data.  Source of global seismic data for purchase provided by multiple proprietary data owners. Over 2.68 million miles of 2D and 36,000 sq miles of 3D.  - key price assessments, indices, as well as our newsletters, maps and other offerings

WLDS (Well Log Data Sourcing) - well log digitizing.

DrillingEdge - Oil and Gas Drilling and Production data across the United States

Rushmore Reviews - source of global offset well data provided directly by the Operator and then independently quality controlled providing insights from over 50,000 wells, 10,000 completions and workovers and hundreds of well abandonments.

Digital Abstract & Title - Texas digitized  title and lease data, geographically indexed.

Ikon Science has an extensive library of regional pressure and rock physics studies covering: Europe, Gulf of Mexico, Australia and the Niger Delta.

Petrotechnical Resources Alaska - Alaska well logs, seismic and other data.

WellDatabase - permits, production and activity data - a unique platform that combines the standard oil and gas data with next generation tools.

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Geological Surveys

Alabama Geological Survey

Alaska Geological Survey

Alaska Geologic Data Index (AGDI)

Arkansas Geological Commission

Australia Geological Survey

Australia Geoscience Portal

British Geological Survey

California Geological Survey

Canada Geological Survey

Colorado Geological Survey

Greenland and Denmark Geological Survey

Illinois Geological Survey

Indiana Geological Survey

Kansas Geological Survey

Kansas Tertiary Oil Recovery Project - TORP

Kentucky Geological Survey

Louisiana Geological Survey

Michigan Geological Survey

Mississippi DEQ - Geology Section - there are searchable databases and images including scout tickets  -click here

Missouri Geological Survey

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology

Nebraska Geological Survey

New Mexico Geological Survey

New Zealand Geological Sciences

North Dakota Geological Survey

Ohio Geological Survey - good current Utica, Marcellus and Point Pleasant information here

Oklahoma Geological Survey

Pennsylvania Geological Survey - well database available by subscrption. - IRIS

Poland Geological Survey

Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

Utah Geological Survey

Utah - Geoscience Education, additional information - maps and strat columns. Impressive site.

West Virginia Geological Survey

Wyoming Geological Survey

Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute

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Map Data

EIA maps - excellent summary maps of shale and other U.S. drilling plays

World - great source of statistics

The National Map Viewer and National Spacial Program - from USGS - US Map Collection: The 50 States of United States of America. GIS data source

BLM Navigator Interactive Map

BLM Interactive Map - very good

Oil and Gas Maps at the EIA (DOE) - impressive, lots of shale play maps here, and shapefiles

US Land Grid - company provides section, township, range data, Texas survey data, PLSS, Oil & Gas Wells, free Web Mapping Services and other GIS datasets

Texas Natural Resources Information System TNRIS - well spots, survey lines, etc on RRC tab. Land Parcels at Stratmap tab.

Texas General Land Office Interactive Land/Lease Mapping System

Alaska GIS data - search for oil and gas - it is not one of their easy selections but SHP is available.

Colorado GIS data - one source. Also try Coloradoview.ORG

New Mexico oil and gas GIS data - look down for the FTP site

Oklahoma GIS data - one source. Also try OKMAPS.ORG

Pennsylvania oil and gas GIS data

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Offshore maps

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Offshore GIS data

Intermountain Oil and Gas BMP Project - GIS for Oil and Gas, Free field static maps, shape files, and interactive mapping for many states

Montana map server

RGIS New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System Program - a wealth of downloadable data

North Dakota map server

  Texas RRC Well mapping system - Log images and other documents are sometimes available - select "Identify" on the map tools then click on the well to get a list of images.

Unconventionals Analyst for ArcGIS Pro - enables enables land, drilling and subsurface teams to holistically plan field developments.

Data Assistant for ArcGIS Pro - import into ArcGIS Pro well headers, deviation surveys, well logs, seismic navigation, seismic traces, interpretation, etc.

Terraserver - digital Satellite Photographs - and USGS topos

Landsat - digital aerial photography - inexpensive

Geomap - executive reference and custom regional petroleum mapping

East View Cartigraphic data worldwide

Tobin Data Graphics

SP Energy Portal (formeraly IHS Energy Maps) - custom maps in the U.S. and world

GRASS  - an open source Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization

ABB Ventyx - Oil and gas well and pipeline general maps

Digital Abstract & Title - Texas digitized  title and lease data, geographically indexed.

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Publications and Periodicals

Oil & Gas Journal

Journal of Petroleum Technology - SPE.

AAPG Explorer

Harts E&P Magazine and


Oil and Gas Investor

Gulf Publishing

World Oil

Petroleum Economist


Schlumberger Limited


Records Research - Texas RRC research and documents - excellent service.

IBM's E&P Connection

Core Labs

DrillingEdge - Oil and Gas Drilling and Production data across the United States.

Aquatech - integrated water treatment solutions to the Oil and Gas industry.

Consulting Firms

William M. Cobb & Associates - petroleum consultants - Dallas.

Cawley, Gillespie & Associates, Fort Worth.

DeGolyer and MacNaughton - Dallas, Houston, Moscow, Calgary.

Collarini Engineering, Inc.

Forest A. Garb & Associates - Dallas.

Netherland, Sewell & Associates - Dallas, Houston.

Petroskills - worldwide petroleum industry training alliance.

Sproule Associates

Ryder Scott Petroleum Consultants. - reservoir characterization and simulation consulting services worldwide.

Calsep - Calsep is a leading provider of PVT simulation services to the oil and gas industry.

Coalbed Methane

Coalbed methane calculators - from

US Coalbed Methane Content Database

China Coalbed Methane report

Australia coalbed methane information

UK coalbed methane information

Russian coalbed methane center

U.S. EPA coalbed methane site

Government Agencies

WORLD DATA at DOE/EIA - not just USA data at the Energy Information Administration

Alabama State Oil & Gas Board

Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

Alaska DNR Division of Oil and Gas

Alberta Energy Resources and Conservation Board

Arkansas Oil & Gas Commission

Australia Geological Survey

Australia Geoscience Portal

British Geological Survey

U.S. Bureau of Land Management

BLM Interactive Map - very good.

California Department of Conservation

Canadian National Energy Board

Natural Resources Canada

Natural Resources Canada Earth Sciences Sector

Canada Geological Survey

Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

DOE - National Energy Technology Lab

Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Florida Department of Environmental Protection - oil and gas

Greenland and Denmark Geological Survey

Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission - IOGCC

Illinois DNR Dept of Oil & Gas

Indiana Dept of Natural Resources - Oil & Gas

Kansas Geological Survey

Kansas Corporation Commission

Kansas Tertiary Oil Recovery Project - TORP

Kentucky DNR - Division of Oil & Gas

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

LSU Center for Energy Studies

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement

Mississippi Oil & Gas Board

Missouri Department of Natural Resources

Montana Board of Oil & Gas Conservation

Nebraska Geological Survey

Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

Nevada Division of Minerals

New Mexico Oil Conservation Division

New Mexico GoTech Data

New Zealand Energy & Resources

North Dakota Oil & Gas Division

North Dakota Geological Survey

Ohio Oil & Gas Division

Ohio Geological Survey.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission

Oregon Department of Geology & Mineral Industries

Pennsylvania DCNR Oil & Gas division.

South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources

Texas Natural Resources Information System

Texas Board of Professional Engineers

Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

Texas Railroad Commission

Texas General land Office

U.S. Bureau of Land Management

U.S. Department of the Interior

United States Geological Survey

United States Geological Survey - aerial photos

U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change (oil and gas regulation)

Utah Division of Oil, Gas & Mining

West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey

West Virginia DEP - Office of Oil and Gas

Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute

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January 2025