Detailed charts and graphs from SPE 70018 and updates.

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Click here for the revised study summary including 2005 wells

Click here for the SPE 70018 paper graphs and text - "Changes in the Performance of Texas Gas Wells"

Click here for the original 1999 Oil & Gas Journal article

Copyright (C) Gary S. Swindell 2017

Texas gas composite

Average Production Profiles of Texas Gas wells by year of first production.

These are normalized average rate vs. time plots of all gas wells in the state of Texas, vintaged by year of first production.

Normalized Texas gas wells - 1971 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1973 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1976 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1978 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1980 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1981 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1982 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1983 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1984 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1985 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1986 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1987 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1988 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1989 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1990 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1991 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1992 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1993 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1994 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1995 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1996 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1997 Normalized Texas gas wells - 1998

Copyright (C) Gary S. Swindell 2017